Symptoms of PTSD are often grouped into types. These types include: avoidance, intrusive memories, changes in emotional reactions, and negative changes in thinking and mood. The most common symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder include flashbacks, jumpiness (literally “jumping out of one’s skin”), emotional detachment. These symptoms can come and go and vary in intensity. We outline the four types below:
Avoidance Symptoms
‣Fear of germs
‣Avoiding talking about or thinking about the traumatic event
‣Avoiding places, activities, or people that remind you of the traumatic event
Intrusive Memories
‣Flashbacks – reliving the event as if it were happening all over again
‣Upsetting dreams/nightmares about the traumatic event
‣Recurrent memories of the traumatic event – even when you are trying not to think about them – as if they won’t “leave your mind”
‣Experiencing severe emotional distress or physical reactions to things that remind you of the traumatic event
Changes in Emotional Reactions
‣Overwhelming guilt or shame
‣Jumpiness – being easily startled or frightened – jumping out of your skin
‣Sleep disturbances
‣Difficulty concentrating
‣Always in “defense” mode – on guard for danger
‣Angry outburst
‣Aggressive behavior
‣Self-destructive behavior (e.g., reckless driving, substance abuse)
Negative Changes in Thinking and Mood
‣Feeling negatively about yourself and others
‣Lack of interest in activities you once found enjoyment in
‣Difficulty maintaining relationships with others
‣Memory problems – not being able to remember parts of the traumatic event
‣Feelings of hopelessness for the future (e.g., marriage, career, living a normal life span)
‣Emotional numbness – feeling detached from others
‣Inability to experience positive emotions